Tag Archives : L&D Email

How to recognize privilege – and uplift those without it

Depending on your lot in life, you may see the status quo as a result of unearned privilege or a simple reflection of merit. Backed by statistics and personal stories, lawyer Mariam Veiszadeh offers a...

How diversity makes teams more innovative

Are diverse companies really more innovative? Rocío Lorenzo and her team surveyed 171 companies to find out — and the answer was a clear yes. In a talk that will help you build a better, more r...

Multi-Touch Attribution for a Cookie-less world

The truth is: As long as you have first-party data, you can use AI-based MTA to understand what parts of your marketing work and this will still apply post cookie-apocalypse. Standard heuristic method...

The power of time off

Every seven years, designer Stefan Sagmeister closes his New York studio for a yearlong sabbatical to rejuvenate and refresh their creative outlook. He explains the often overlooked value of time off ...

Why we make bad financial choices — even when we know better

We all know we should spend less and save more, yet many of us struggle to do it and blame ourselves. Turns out, our environment is what we really need to change, and behavioral scientist Wendy De La ...

User-Fudged Experiences Push UX 2022

A bit of an insight into the world of customer behaviour and user experience. Customers can interact with businesses in weird and wonderful ways but there’s usually a reason. Understanding those rea...