How to Push Your Team to Take Risks and Experiment

Article from HBR here. Most managers I know want their employees to be curious and experimental, to take the initiative and develop new products and solutions. But, as it turns out, managers also like to micromanage and control outcomes through safe, predictable processes. As a result, managers end up stifling the very experimentation they want […]

Comparing yourself to others is a sure route to misery — 5 ways to turn it into action instead

Adapted from the new book Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy, in agreement with Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy, 2022. We all experience feelings that are difficult to […]

Ever say “I’ll be happy when …?” Here’s why you need to stop doing that — now

This post was first published on Ingrid Fetell Lee’s site, The Aesthetics of Joy. Go there, and learn about how you can build more joy into your life.  It was the summer of 2002, and I was sitting around a campfire with my college boyfriend and some of his friends. He was a year younger than […]

OKRs: goal setting that focuses on outcomes

When you want to achieve something, anything, your desires are based on a preferred outcome. It’s a very simple, basic human concept developed at an early age. One way of putting it into a sentence is: I will ________ as measured by ____________. This is how John Doerr explained objectives and key results (OKR) in […]

Product requirements documents, downsized

Summary: A product requirements document (PRD) defines the requirements of a particular product, including the product’s purpose, features, functionality, and behavior. It serves as a guide for business and technical teams to help build, launch, or market the product. Building a great product requires tons of research and comprehensive planning. But where do you start? Product […]

The 5 best morning routine ideas of highly-productive people

A good morning routine sets the productivity tone for the day. But is it really as simple as a morning ritual and a healthy breakfast? After analyzing the advice and morning routines of six top productivity experts, we’ve pinpointed the most common practices of successful people for a productive morning. No matter how much chaos […]

4 reasons for project fails—and how to prevent each one

We’re living in the golden age of failure, where tech culture embraces a “fail fast” mentality and celebrates lessons learned from missteps. But when it comes to that upcoming project you’re leading, given a choice, you’d much rather succeed.  But the truth is, whether they’re delivered late, go over the budget, or they don’t meet expectations, many projects ...

Inclusivity Tip

Within Outlook you can add holidays for the UK as well as other countries which can help give you visibility of holidays, festivals or religious events from around the world. This can help drive conversation about things that might matter to people in your team you otherwise might not know about. For example I recently […]

Why Being Vulnerable And Sharing More Of Yourself Will Inspire Your Team

There are some things you’re probably fairly open about at work. Your go-to coffee order. The fact that public speaking makes you nervous. Maybe even your plans for your upcoming vacation. But, for many of us, that’s the extent of just how much we let our team members in—we’re hesitant to go much deeper than […]

Dear Guy: “My friends and I bond by complaining, but it’s getting me down”

Dear Guy:  By starting to examine my own life in the context of the thoughts that rise and fall in my mind, I’ve found complaining to be a large part of the way I relate. So I tried a little experiment of listening for complaining. I’ve found that it can provide some relief for me […]