Why you think you’re right — even if you’re wrong

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to examining your beliefs. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all costs — or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Julia Galef examines the motivations behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we interpret information, interweaved with a compelling history lesson from […]

20 team meeting ideas that will help your team bond in 2023

Did you know that your team meetings can be a great opportunity to build psychological safety? Why does that matter? It turns out that psychological safety is a key factor in boosting team performance. In a recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Psychology, researchers stated the importance of psychological safety like this: Psychological safety is [&hellip...

Sh*t happens! Use the 5 Whys analysis to make sure it happens less often

Listen, nobody’s perfect. Sometimes mistakes are made. Goals go unreached. Big swings turn into big duds. It’s painful. And it can be especially painful when it happens to your team. As a leader, it’s important to know how can you help your people recover, regroup, and refocus. That’s where the 5 Whys root-cause analysis exercise […]

What Wikipedia teaches us about balancing truth and beliefs

Even with public trust at an all-time low, Wikipedia continues to maintain people’s confidence. How do they do it? Former CEO of Wikimedia Foundation Katherine Maher delves into the transparent, adaptable and community-building ways the online encyclopedia brings free and reliable information to the public — while also accounting for bias and difference of opinion. […]

The likability dilemma for women leaders

When women lead, bias often follows. Documentarian Robin Hauser dives into the dilemma between competence and likability faced by women in leadership roles, detangling the unconscious beliefs and gendered thinking that distort what it means to be a good leader.

Bad meetings drain time and energy — here are 6 ways to lead ones that engage and inspire

Steven Rogelberg, who studies meetings, shares 6 simple ways they can be improved. The next time you’re in a useless one, print this out afterwards and leave it on the chair of the person who led it. This post is part of TED’s “How to Be a Better Human” series, each of which contains a […]

5 tips for dealing with meeting overload

Could this meeting have been an email? The phenomenon of “calendar creep,” where meetings completely take over your work days, is wasting time, energy and productivity — but you can take back control. Leadership expert Cindy Solomon shares her five tips for clearing up your schedule and getting your calendar to work for you, not […]

Want to truly succeed? Lift others up while you climb

It’s up to all of us to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. No matter where you are in your career journey, it’s essential that you help others grow, even as you are growing yourself, says ACLU Chief Equity Officer Amber Hikes. She lays out three ways we can help each other succeed — […]

Embrace your raw, strange magic

The way we’re taught to live has got to change, says author Casey Gerald. Too often, we hide parts of ourselves in order to fit in, win praise, be accepted. But at what cost? In this inspiring talk, Gerald shares the personal sacrifices he made to attain success in the upper echelons of American society […]