SQL Joins

For those of you that use or want to learn to use SQL but struggle with “joins” I found this diagram really helpful.

10 More Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings

If you’re trying to get ahead in the corporate world, appearing smart in meetings should be your top priority. This can be hard if you find yourself daydreaming about Mexico, margaritas or queso cheese dip. The good kind. If this happens, keep one of these tricks in your back pocket so you always look like you […]

How to Say No Without Ever Saying No

Saying no is especially hard for people-pleasers. That’s why it’s good to have a game plan with many options of how you can say no by avoiding saying no. Here’s seven tips for how to say no at work without ever saying no. 1. Say nothing. Sometimes if you don’t respond to the request at all, it […]

Time Parting in Analysis Workspace

So some of you might have found it annoying that you can’t look at say Monday for the last four weeks rolled up, or hour of the day. Instead you have to run every weekday or every hour and then sum them after. Well now you don’t have to, analysis workspace has now introduced time […]

Excel Formulas & Data Presentation

Excel Data Presentation Guide [Download] Copy & Paste Values Copying the the contents of a cell and pasting just the value and not the underlying formula that is displayed in the formula bar. Remove Duplicates Delete duplicate rows from a sheet. Number Formats Changes the appearance of numbers, including dates and times, without changing the […]

Data Viz Study

So if the words data visualisation don’t make your eyes roll back in your head Tableau have written an article based on tracking eye movements when looking at dashboards to give some ideas on how to improve your visuals here. My favourite take-aways though are: Big numbers draw attention, rather than just putting all of […]

Error Reporting in SessionCam

SessionCam ran a seminar recently on how to use their new Error Reporting feature, which you can now watch above. I’ve had a play around with it but it’s definitely in its early stages and could do with some refining. If anyone has a go and has any questions/feedback I’d love to hear it and would […]