Everyday Leadership

This TED Talk was shared with me by somebody in Digital Trading about leadership. For me though a bigger part of this was about recognition and a call to action around recognising people regardless of hierarchy, how big or how small, if somebody does something you think is good, why not tell them?

What is Blockchain?

Let’s address the elephant in the room; the misconceptions people have about what blockchain means in general. Simply put – Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin Bitcoin or Altcoins (bitcoin alternatives) are digital currencies, also called as ‘Cryptocurrencies’. These are a digital token that allows users to pay for goods and services. Blockchain is the technology that enables the transfer of th...

Marketers Agree: Humans Are The Most Important Ingredient of Martech Success

A recent Wipro Digital survey found that CMOs and their organizations aren’t satisfied with results from their martech investments. Andy Coghlan, Global Head of Martech and eCommerce, Wipro Digital, delves into the steps marketing teams need to take to bring martech to full potential  When it comes to marketing technology, CMOs and their teams have been on a shopping […]

The weirdest driving laws around the world

The best thing about these strange driving laws is that you just know that someone had to have done something odd for lawmakers to decide they need to make things official. While most of the wacky laws you’ll hear about elsewhere are nothing more than urban legends, these ones are very real. I have no […]

Analytics Maturity Model

The below diagram illustrates a generally agreed maturity model for analytics. You may find you don’t exactly fit in any of the below boxes but the purpose is to highlight what basic and strong analytics are and unsurprisingly the most successful organisations are often at the higher end of this model. It’s often easier for […]

Eisenhower Matrix

I suspect most of you will have seen this grid before but I wanted to write something you had to refer back to and some detail around the model for those of you who could do with a hand managing your workload, which we all need from time to time. The Eisenhower Matrix, which is […]

What is NLP?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming in summary is the process of recognising a behaviour and creating a pre-programmed action. I’ve found it incredibly helpful in learning where I don’t react to a situation in the best way how to react in the ideal way. I’ve also coached people on it and they’ve found it effective […]