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The 5 best morning routine ideas of highly-productive people

A good morning routine sets the productivity tone for the day. But is it really as simple as a morning ritual and a healthy breakfast? After analyzing the advice and morning routines of six top produc...

4 reasons for project fails—and how to prevent each one

We’re living in the golden age of failure, where tech culture embraces a “fail fast” mentality and celebrates lessons learned from missteps. But when it comes to that upcoming project ...

Inclusivity Tip

Within Outlook you can add holidays for the UK as well as other countries which can help give you visibility of holidays, festivals or religious events from around the world. This can help drive conve...

How to discover your “why” in difficult times

What has the coronavirus pandemic taught us about ourselves and our relationships? In a deeply personal and wide-ranging conversation, leadership expert Simon Sinek shares his own experience caring fo...

The intangible effects of walls

More barriers exist now than at the end of World War II, says designer Alexandra Auer. And when you erect one wall, you unwittingly create a second — an “us” versus “them&#8221...

The value of kindness at work

Kindness can go a long way when it comes to reshaping a business. Having saved a fashion company from the brink of bankruptcy, entrepreneur James Rhee shares the value of investing in a culture of com...

Feeling anxious? The way you breathe could be adding to it

Scrolling social media, amid frantic posts about politics and COVID-19 cases, you may have come across a friend or two reminding everyone to “just breathe.” But can just breathing really make a di...

How to escape the cynicism trap

Some days, it’s hard to be optimistic. But cynicism — the idea that people are inherently selfish, greedy and dishonest — is making humanity lonelier and more divided, says psycholog...