As part of our plan to continue to drive value from our data we’re undertaking a project to migrate from our existing tag management solution “Adobe DTM” to a new solution called Tea...
Archive by Author
A Little Charisma Goes a Long Way
I recently read this article from the Harvard Business Review (shared with me by Miles) and thought it made an interesting point. Charismatic leaders can inspire others to perform better, and it would...
Merry Christmas from the Digital Intelligence Team!
Organisation Using Trello
I thought I’d write an article about this as I’ve had a few people asking questions, hopefully some of you have heard of Trello but if now it’s literally a tool to help you organise ...
The Worst Office Jargon
Going forward It means in the future and is probably the most overused piece of office jargon. The phrase was most probably coined to encourage office staff to stay optimistic, rather than dwelling on...
Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace
Interesting talk from Simon Sinek highlighting why it can be challenging to manage millennials (this includes me) in the workplace. He talks about a number of socio-economic factors that have led to a...
If music gives you goosebumps, your brain might be special
Do you ever get that feeling when listening to a great song that makes all the hairs on your arm stand on end? Experiencing sensations like goose bumps or a lump in the throat when listening to music ...
Reinventing Loyalty
Introverts vs Extroverts
Ever wondered what the real differences are between introverts and extroverts are? This video does a great job of explaining it with a little bit of background to the science behind it.
Ray Dalio: How to build a company where the best ideas win
A really great TED talk from Ray Dalio a hedge fun investor (not as boring as you might think) about how his business has delivered success by giving everyone and equal voice and enforcing ruthless tr...