Ever wondered what the real differences are between introverts and extroverts are? This video does a great job of explaining it with a little bit of background to the science behind it.
Monthly Archives: October, 2017
Ray Dalio: How to build a company where the best ideas win
A really great TED talk from Ray Dalio a hedge fun investor (not as boring as you might think) about how his business has delivered success by giving everyone and equal voice and enforcing ruthless tr...
SQL Joins
For those of you that use or want to learn to use SQL but struggle with “joins” I found this diagram really helpful.
50 Essential Management Tips
For those of you that prefer a digital version of the booklet from The Academy around the top 50 tips for line managers you can download or read a copy below.
10 More Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
If you’re trying to get ahead in the corporate world, appearing smart in meetings should be your top priority. This can be hard if you find yourself daydreaming about Mexico, margaritas or queso ch...
10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
How to Say No Without Ever Saying No
Saying no is especially hard for people-pleasers. That’s why it’s good to have a game plan with many options of how you can say no by avoiding saying no. Here’s seven tips for how to say no at ...